Are you a SP hoping to store verified data and increase your quality-adjusted power?
Filecoin Plus
Filecoin Plus is a layer of social trust on top of the Filecoin Network designed to incentivize the storage of real data. Root key-holders, allocators, clients, and storage providers interact through the allocation and spending of DataCap. For more details about the Fil+ program, visit the Filecoin Plus section in the Filecoin Docs
Clients looking to utilize storage on the network apply to receive DataCap from Allocators, which can be used to incentivize storage providers to make storage deals. Allocators are community-elected trustees responsible for allocating DataCap to parties storing useful data on the network. Storage Providers that receive DataCap get a 10x boost to their quality-adjusted power for the storage space offered in that deal, increasing their block reward share in the network. This creates a mechanism that incentivizes all participants to make Filecoin more useful.
About State of Fil+ DataCap Stats
The goal of this site is to provide metrics, insights, and audit accountability tools for the Filecoin Plus community. You can see health statistics of the overall program, along with tables of data to track interactions between stakeholders (Allocators, Clients, and Storage Providers).
This site was created by Neti-Soft in collaboration with Digital M.O.B., Protocol Labs and the Filecoin Foundation, which provided development grants.